Grow your business with HubSpot.

Experience unparalleled growth potential as you prioritise your customers by using the CRM platform designed entirely with customer-centricity in mind. HubSpot provides your teams with an intuitive and fluid operational environment, enhancing customer service and prospect nurturing. At Spitfire Inbound, we're avid HubSpot enthusiasts (and HubSpot Diamond Partners)  who firmly believe it's the ultimate solution for your business growth hurdles. 

What is HubSpot?

HubSpot is a Growth Platform designed to take your whole business to the next level. The system offers an intuitive, frictionless experience for your teams so they can better service customers and nurture prospects, and provides customers with a smooth experience between departments.

HubSpot is more than just the market leader in inbound technology, they’re also the conceptual creators of this data-driven approach. Inbound is a whole business strategy that focuses on being helpful and human by attracting, engaging, and delighting people through adding value and building trust.

Their technology takes all of your business’s sales, marketing, and service efforts and ties them together by collecting data and allowing you to post, track, share, and collect information in one neat package.

Not only does this put your customer at the heart of your business in a very tangible way, it also helps you understand which of your strategies is affecting what - like how a social media post is leading to content offer downloads, what SEO efforts are leading to website traffic, or which automated emails are attracting leads

Why choose HubSpot.

The HubSpot Growth Platform is the market leader in inbound technology and this comes with many advantages.

Why our customers choose HubSpot

  • All-in-one marketing, sales, service, and operations technology
  • All hubs work from one database, meaning every department has the same view of the customer and can access all customer information in one place
  • It’s designed to integrate with other technologies, meaning it can work well with your existing technology
  • The packages start with a free option that still allows for robust solutions, and is easy to upgrade when you’re ready
  • Intuitive and user friendly
  • Access to detailed data and easy-to-understand reports

Looking to understand HubSpot more? Check out our HubSpot Terminology Guide.

How to choose the right HubSpot package for your business.

When choosing a HubSpot package, it’s important to be pretty clear about what your pain points are currently, and even more importantly, what your goals are. Once you have your priority scoped out, then choosing the best tool for the job becomes much easier. Not only that, the chances of a successful adoption will be far greater.

We work with clients to customise HubSpot to their processes, rather than having to adjust your processes to fit HubSpot. This is easy because HubSpot “plays nice” with a lot of other technology, meaning it can become a part of your business solution rather than bulldozing over the solutions you already have in place.

Not sure which package to choose? Read our blog for more insights: How to choose the right HubSpot package for your business

We believe the world has changed. We see businesses using more kinds of software, not less, that all needs to work together. To help our customers grow better in this environment, Hubspot is evolving from an 'all-in-one' suite into an 'all-on-one' platform.

Scott Brinker, VP of Platform at HubSpot

Once you’ve started to use HubSpot, ensure that the solution you implement is working and then expand the solution into the other problem areas of your business, if it applies. A good way to do this is with a low-risk and low-cost offering, such as the free HubSpot CRM, for you to dip your toes in the water and see what you’ll be able to do with HubSpot further down the line.

HubSpot has six Hubs currently:

Marketing Hub

A contact-based hub focused on helping marketers to build robust campaigns to convert the right leads at the right time.

Sales Hub

A user-based hub focused on helping sales teams to accelerate their sales process, track key activity, and close deals.

Service Hub

A user-based hub focused on giving you the tools to make your customers happy.

Content Hub

Say goodbye to endless plugins and hard to edit website templates. This hub helps marketers create and manage content for websites with an AI-powered base.

Operations Hub

This hub is designed to help businesses automate and scale their operations across all teams and is vital for building integrations and keeping your database clean

Commerce Hub

This hub is designed to help businesses bring their payments and invoicing into their core CRM system.

What to consider when choosing a HubSpot package?


One of the key questions when choosing the Marketing package you need is to look at the actively engaged contacts (those you want to email) and decide which hub is best designed for your needs. Marketing Starter includes 1,000 contacts, professional includes 2,000 contacts, and the Enterprise level packages include 10,000 contacts.


Automation is about making your marketing, service, and sales efforts seamless for both your staff and your customers. If you really want HubSpot to work at its best for your business, automation is crucial. There are two kinds of automation tools in HubSpot, Workflows and Sequences.

Size of your sales team:

HubSpot offers several amazing features in both the Sales and Service packages, what’s important to understand is how many members of your team will need to access key paid features. Sales and Service starter both come with 2 seats, professional with 5, and Enterprise with 10.


Data is essentially what drives strategy. Without it, you’re shooting in the dark. On all hubs, as you upgrade to a higher package, your reporting functionality increases. But it’s also important to understand which hub will give you the reporting you need, for example, Marketing pro and above have a robust campaign tool, but to understand your ROI you need to make use of the Sales pipeline which can be done using the free sales.

Integration needs:

HubSpot has a Marketplace which offers hundreds of apps you can integrate with. These are native integrations and offer basic field mapping. If you need to customise field mapping or want to build a custom integration, Operations hub is a must!

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What is a HubSpot Solutions Partner?

HubSpot Solutions Partners have proven their mettle when it comes to getting results through HubSpot, and represent not only that the agency has a good relationship with HubSpot, but also that they’ve proven their ability to make inbound work magic for their clients. If you’re planning to start inbound marketing, we highly recommend working with a solutions partner agency.

Spitfire Inbound is a Diamond Solutions Partner.

Everyone at Spitfire is deeply passionate about HubSpot and truly believes that HubSpot is the best solution for your business growth challenges. We know HubSpot loves us too, because of our unique relationship with the brand, from the multiple awards we’ve won to the Diamond tier we hold as a partner agency.

HubSpot awards Diamond status to agencies demonstrating inbound marketing, sales, and services to the highest standards. Diamond Partners show remarkable success through using the tool and Spitfire Inbound were acknowledged globally for this recently through receiving the Happiest Customer Award from HubSpot for the EMEA region.

What does the tier status mean?

It's simple - the world of HubSpot is a community and a HubSpot tier status isn’t just a flashy statement to bolster the brand. While statuses like this are designed to benefit the agency, with HubSpot it's also designed to ensure that clients are getting the best possible results.

The HubSpot partner programme requires an agency to not only be an expert in the tool but also execute inbound marketing services to the highest standards. At the end of the day, anyone can learn to use the tool and create an inbound strategy but you want an agency that is experienced and knows how to get you real results.

Discover the HubSpot Hubs.

Watch this videos to see what the tool has to offer:

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